is proud to announce the awarding of The President's Volunteer Service Awards to the following people.

These Patriotic individuals have worked hard for the military and our wounded and their patriotism is an inspiration to us all.

From the Board of the SSFOA we congratulate you all.

Steve Newton


Debbie Alderson

Diana Creed Newton

Steve Newton

Karen Turcutte

Linda Dominik

Terri Rager

Andria Mocek

Janie Orman

Stephanie Orman

Georgeine Marbeiter

Trish Benefield

Jill Picou

Gen Joe Phillips

Nancy Spoerke

Silver Star Shining for Sacrifice
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The Silver Star Families of America is a non-partisan, not-for-profit charitable organization committed to supporting the United States wounded and ill military members and Veterans from all wars, past and present,  and honoring their sacrifice with Silver Star Banners.Content within this web site is the sole property of  The Silver Star Families of America"All photos and letters sent to the SSFOA become the property of the organization to be used in any way we deem appropriate."

* DISCLAIMER: Award and/or Photos in no way imply that the DoD or CENTCOM endorse The Silver Star Families of America. It is the SSFOA intention to honor General Petraeus for his outstanding leadership that has directly impacted the care and well being of the wounded and ill members of the USA Armed Forces.

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Volunteer Service Awards
Certifying Organization
Sep 19, 2005 --
The Silver Star Families of America has a proud history of volunteer service. Our volunteers are working to meet the needs of their neighborhoods and the community by working to recognize our honored wounded and in other charitable work.

In recognition of these outstanding achievements, The Silver Star Families of America is proud to announce the availability of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of volunteer commitment. Established in 2003, this new Award is given by the President of the United States and honors individuals, families and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service over the course of 12 months.

The Silver Star Families of America has teamed with hundreds of organizations and businesses across the country to deliver this Award to our most outstanding volunteers. As a Certifying Organization of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, we can nominate potential recipients and distribute the Award to those who meet or exceed the Award criteria.

“The Silver Star Families of America is extremely proud to join the President of the United States in recognizing the volunteers who consistently take the time to make a difference in the lives of others,” said Chief Steven J. Newton (ret), president of The Silver Star Families of America. “Volunteers strengthen America and inspire others to get involved. We are proud to honor our volunteers who are answering the call with this Award.”

Children, adults, families and groups can receive the Award and, given their ongoing service activity, many of our volunteers may already meet the requirements. To qualify for the President’s Volunteer Service Award, volunteers simply submit a record of their service hours to The Silver Star Families of America, and we will verify the service and deliver the Award.

Volunteer service hours are not limited to those performed on behalf of The Silver Star Families of America. In fact, service hours can be accumulated through work on a variety of projects throughout the year. The only requirement is that the necessary hours be completed within12 months; recipients can qualify for a new Award each year.

“Our volunteers should strive to earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award every year,” said Steve Newton. “Even if you’ve never volunteered before, the Award is within your reach. In fact, the strength and success of our nation depends on every one of us taking an active role in the community where we live. You can also help strengthen America by asking your friends, families and neighbors to join you in helping your community. Most people say ‘yes’ if asked to volunteer – all it takes is a personal request.”

The President’s Volunteer Service Award is issued by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation – created by President George W. Bush to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers make to our nation. To learn more and find out how to qualify for the Award, contact Diana Newton, our Award administrator, at the Silver Star Yahoo Site or visit

To be eligible to receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award, applicants' service hours must be confirmed by a registered Certifying Organization. There are three levels of the Award varying by hours of service completed within a 12-month period:

Kids - 14 and younger
Bronze Award 50 - 74 hours
Silver Award 75 - 99 hours
Gold Award 100 or more hours

Young Adults - Ages 15 - 25
Bronze Award 100 - 174 hours
Silver Award 175 - 249 hours
Gold Award 250 or more hoursAdults - Ages 26 and up
Bronze Award 100 - 249 hours
Silver Award 250 - 499 hours
Gold Award 500 or more hours

Families and Groups (two or more people)*
Bronze Award 200 - 499 hours
Silver Award 500 - 999 hours
Gold Award 1,000 or more hours
*Each member contributing at least 25 hours towards the total

President’s Call to Service Award
Individuals who have completed 4,000 or more volunteer service hours over the course of their lifetime are eligible to receive the President’s Call to Service Award.